Monday, September 7, 2009

CyberWarez Newsletter - September 2009

Dear murugan029,

This is to inform you that due to some network issues with our servers, we had to face a short unexpected downtime last month.
We have successfully rectified the issue and we're back on track now.

Please accept our apologies for the resulting shortfall in our services and the inconvenience caused.

We are nearing 200K members
With the huge load on our site We have just done a server upgrade with more memory(RAM).

Surfing should be more pleasurable now for all our members.

We request you to kindly be active on the site and actively participate in our forum discussions bsides contributing to gamez, appz, ebooks, moviez, muzik, etc.
With loads of submissions on the site daily, we assure you we are your one-stop solution for all your warez needs.

Also, with daily updates to our VIP Sections and a host of other exciting and exclusive features, we assure you that being a CW VIP is worth considering for.
For more info, kindly have a look here:

We're also looking for toolbar developers, so if you can develop FireFox Extensions/Plugins, do PHP, please PM ADMiN or reply to this email.

Current Statistics:
Threads: 463,566, Posts: 1,118,362, Members: 183,852

Quick Links:
Achieving CW VIP Status:
Reliable Offshore Webhosting Solutions:
CW Staff Recruitment:

Kind Regards,
CW Management Team

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